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The Hanged Man Amulet
The Hanged Man Amulet
The Hanged Man Amulet
A man is suspended upside down in the Elemental symbol of Water, above is a ~Mem~ Making the Mundane: Arcane. Water The triangle of Elemental Water is the central focus: Baptismal Water; the suspended inverted figure in Water (Consciousness), is embossed on the front with the letter of Mem on the top. The position of the legs on the suspended figure is the same as in the classic image of the Emperor: the use of Logic is suspended as we augment activity's intent: making the mundane Arcane, each action is a sacred act of blessing. The Hanged Man Amulet is for any one who wishes to harness daily activates would normally be considered physical into acts of Spirit. From Homemakers to Clergy, those dedicated to social work, volunteers both in the public eye and those who perform acts of charity without the need of payment or fanfare. In other words, just about everybody.
Our Price: $25.00

Product Code: T12SA



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An inverten man suspended in the symbol of water representing the Hanged Man
The Hanged Man Amulet
  • Also part of the Tarot Casters - a three dimensional Tarot Deck

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